Saturday, July 29, 2006

Wireless Services and Traffic Jams.

Traffic jams are an integral part of city life whether you are in London , Newyork, Tokyo or even Bangalore. How can wireless service providers help us solve this perennial problem.

Rather, I think , the question should be whom can the wireless service providers help out.

The answer , if you ask me , is , it can help a road user than a person or an organization/entity who controls the traffic in your city.

Actually, this is a very good area where good products are missing.

There is one mobile data application which has already been deployed in the UK.

The features of this application are :-
a) A MAP - This is a good feature because people do use maps and it gives a degree of independence while seraching places.
b) A live snapshot of traffic. wow.

Although there are not many mobile data applications like these, I feel the mode is seriously wrong here. The nature of an application should not be a driver driving at 70mph operating this device. It should be more of a audio application which would collect data.

Another application which can address this issue is a mobile phone connected to a GPS device using bluetooth.Again we may have connectivity issues using this!!

Infact , a better service would be a call center which would give you a quick update on the latest traffic !!

If this were to be deployed using GPRS services, we would once again , need Location Information services.


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